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In order for us humans to move physically, healthy joints are required. These are connecting points between two or more bones and enable purposeful movement. The function of the joints depends on the proper cellular function of all the structures involved. In a simple joint, a distinction is made between a condyle, a socket and, between these two joint surfaces, the joint space. The whole joint is surrounded by a joint capsule.

A healthy joint provides a frictionless system. When injured, one or more components of the joint may malfunction. Since the whole joint is surrounded by the joint capsule, this is a very important component. The inner layer has blood vessels, fatty tissue and nerves. This is where the synovial fluid is produced. The outer layer of the joint capsule consists of strong collagen fibres and ensures the cohesion of the joint.

Collagen supports the regeneration and reconstruction of broken cartilage. It has a very high resistance to pressure and tearing, which is why it is often found in the structures of the passive musculoskeletal system.

Taking collagen makes sense for anyone who wants to prevent or suffers from joint pain. Even competitive athletes who frequently stress their joints benefit from consuming collagen. The strengthening of the joints is not completed after a few days. The supply should be maintained over a longer period of time to see targeted results.

Our innovative solution: Collamin Joint'Active

Joint'Active in water

Our joint health collagen product, Collamin Joint’Active, is an effective nutritional supplement that provides special micronutrients and amino acids for the joints. It contains anti-inflammatory vital substances as well as building blocks to improve joint health naturally!

4 ingredients

Joint’Active contains all key ingredients to keep moving pain-free and comes in a delicious honey-lemon aroma. The powder can be mixed in water, yogurt and smoothies.

Improve your joints with our collagen products!


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