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Collagen vs. whey protein: difference explained

Lately, we have been receiving many questions about whey protein and collagen: what is the difference between collagen and whey protein? Do you need to take both? Can one substitute the other? Is one better than the other? Hold it there! In this article, you will find the answers to your questions.

What you need to know is that collagen and whey protein are not competing against each other, they serve different functions to our body.

In fact, whey and collagen come from different sources: whey from milk and collagen from animal hide. These proteins contain different amino acids, the building blocks of the protein, which have different purposes in your body.

How do these proteins help your body?

  • Whey protein is popular among sporty people as it helps increasing strength and building muscles. It is a fast-digesting protein which contains Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). These amino acids are fundamental for the muscle synthesis and proteins like fish, meat, eggs and dairy are the best sources of BCAAs. For this reason, most people that eat a balanced diet do not need whey protein.

  • Collagen , instead, is high in three amino acids which are used to create structure in your body. They maintain and boost skin firmness, nails and hair strength, and joints and bones support. These amino acids which are proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine lack in plant, whey and muscle meat protein. When consuming collagen, your body is receiving the amino acids necessary to build collagen that, otherwise, would be missing.

Why is it important to consume collagen?

Collagen is the most common protein in our body . Starting from the mid-20s, our body’s collagen production decreases and this is why we experience wrinkling skin, joint pain and weaker hair and nails. Collamin collagen supplements are an easy and efficient way to integrate this important protein in your diet and help you look and feel your best!

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