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Collagen for healthy and flexible joints

One in four people suffers from joint problems, and this trend is only rising. The main reason for this is either ageing or wear and tear of the joint cartilage due to overworking.

Collagen is the main component of your joint structure. A joint connects two bones. In order to prevent them from directly hitting and rubbing against each other, the cartilage between the bones acts as a kind of cushion to reduce the impact. The main component of this cushion is collagen which is also involved in the forming of a protective layer around the ends of the bone.

The cartilage is therefore the key to a flexible and soft joint. Exessive exercise (such as repetitive hiking or jogging) can lead to premature wear and tear and loss of cartilage (arthrosis). As a result, the bones have more contact with each other, causing pain and inflammation.

A stable and intact collagen system is essential for the joints and cartilage to maintain their everyday function.  Optimized collagen peptides have shown to stimulate chondrocytes (cartilage cells) to promote the regrowth of articular cartilage and relieve joint pain by rebuilding the joint structure and thus keeping the joint stable.

Collagen peptides can make a big difference for athletes whose cartilage structures are under constant stress. Some studies have shown that athletes who suffered from joint pain due to intensive physical activities subsequently reported relief after having taken 10g of collagen every day for 24 weeks.

COLLAMIN Forte’Active Collagen Peptide was developed for the regeneration of joint cartilage. It is rich in amino acids glycine, proline and lysine. Glycine has an anti-inflammatory effect on the joints, proline forms hydroxyproline (cartilage building blocks) with the help of Vitamin C and lysine ensures the cross-linking of collagen fibers, thus strengthening and stabilizing the structure.

Start with Collamin and feel the difference!

Support your joints health with Forte'Active


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